» » » Тест «Degrees of Comparison», «The Present Perfect Tense» в сравнении с прошедшим временем «Past Simple»

Тест «Degrees of Comparison», «The Present Perfect Tense» в сравнении с прошедшим временем «Past Simple»

Тест «Degrees of Comparison», «The Present Perfect Tense» в сравнении с прошедшим временем «Past Simple»
Данная работа будет полезна для учителей английского языка, рассчитана для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.  Работа представляет собой тест, направленный  на выявления навыков использования в английском языке  степени сравнения прилагательных «Degrees of Comparison», настоящего совершенного времени «The Present Perfect Tense» в сравнении с прошедшим временем «Past Simple».  Тест представлен в двух вариантах.
Variant 1
Task 1 Choose the right word   
He is the ….man in the village (oldest/eldest). 2) What is the ..distance you’ve swum ( farther/further). 3) Let me know if you hear any ...news (further/farther). 4) He did very badly in the exam -..than expected (worse, the worst). 5) My sister is..than me ( older/elder). 
Task 2 Compare equal objects. Pattern: This boy is as clever as that one.
This task (easy). 2) This family (friendly). 3) That picture (famous). 4) This actor (talented). 5) That school (good).     
Task 3    Compare unequal things. Pattern: This book is more interesting than that one.
This girl (beautiful). 2) this house (comfortable). 3) this dress expensive. 4) this movie boring. 5) That team active.
Task 4 Put in the right form of the adjective
I’m…. than my sister. 2) His grandparents are…than mine. 3) She is not as .. as Mary. 4) Max is ..in the family. 5) Mike is ..of them all.6) My job is a bit boring sometimes. I’d like to do something …
Task 5 Transform the following sentences into the Present Perfect Tense.
He talks with his friend. 2) He goes to school. 3) He takes the pencil off the bag. 4) He understands me.
5) I forget my purse at home.  6) She showed me the way out.  7) He did everything. 8) He  put it mildly.
Task 6 Put the verbs in brackets into Past simple or Present Perfect.
She just (go out). 2) she (leave) the room a moment ago. 3) We (not yet solve) the problem. 4) when it all (happen)? 5) It (be) very cold yesterday. 6) I not ( see) him since 1997. 7) I (book ) tickets several days ago.  7) He (come) a moment ago. 8) Tom (return) from the cinema at 5 o’clock.  9) Last night we (go) to a football match. 10) Last summer we (live) in the country.
Variant  2
Task 1 Choose the right word 
Let me know if you hear any (farther/further) instructions. 2) You did (better/best) than I expected. 3) She is (taller/tallest) than my mother. 4) He ran (farther/further). 5) He is the (older/eldest)  in his family.
Task 2 Compare equal objects. Pattern: This boy is as clever as that one.
that plot (dull). 2) that cake (delicious). 3) that game (energetic). 4) this book (useful). 5) this movie (boring). 
Task 3    Compare unequal things. Pattern: This book is more interesting than that one.
that exercise (difficult). 2) that student (clever) . 3) that voice (soft). 4) that landscape (picturesque). 5) This girl (beautiful).
Task 4 Put in the right form of the adjective
The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be ..2) Your work isn’t very good. I’m sure you can do ...3) My little sister is …girl that I know.(pretty). 4) This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit …5) It is (little) I can do for you. 6) She is not as.. as Mike.
Task 5 Transform the following sentences into the Present Perfect Tense.
He talks with his friend. 2) He goes to school. 3) He takes the pencil off the bag. 4) He understands me.
5) I forget my purse at home.  6) She showed me the way out.  7) He did everything. 8) He  put it mildly.
Task 6 Put the verbs in brackets into Past simple or Present Perfect.
I never (be) there before. 2) Alex (meet) his friend two hours ago. 3) Yesterday they (decide) to help her. 4) I (see) you in town two days ago. 5) We (do) many things this day. 6) I (visit) the museum this week. 7) When (receive) a letter from your friend?  8) I (not understand) you yesterday evening. 9) He (just tell) me the truth. 10)  She (just go). She isn’t here.
Автор: Куриленко Инна Владимировна, МБОУ «гимназия № 46»,  учитель английского языка,  г. Ростов-на-Дону

Автор: Куриленко Инна Владимировна

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